What You Need to Know Before Getting A Tattoo Or Piercing

People get tattoos or piercings for many different reasons. If you are considering a piercing or tattoo, please keep these health and safety issues in mind. Below are what you need to know before getting a tattoo or piercing done.
Safety Concerns
Tattooing and piercing break the skin and may cause bleeding. They cause open wounds and infection is possible. Infections at the site may cause permanent deformity, scarring, severe illness and even death. Skin infected with resistant organisms such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can be life-threatening.
Needles and other equipment used contribute to the risk of cross-contamination and disease. If equipment is not new or properly sterilized, or if proper hygienic guidelines are not followed, blood-borne diseases, like hepatitis B and C (which may lead to life-long liver damage and subsequent liver cancer), HIV, tetanus and tuberculosis, may be transmitted.
What To Look For In A Safe Studio
If you are interested in getting a tattoo or piercing, choose a safe, reputable studio. It is crucial that proper hygiene and safety standards are followed. Risks increase dramatically if individuals attempt the procedure on themselves or others.
The staff and studio area should be very clean. The studio should have separate areas for piercing and tattooing.
Tattoo Self-care
Tattoos take a couple of weeks to heal. They will scab over. The scabs will flake off. Your tattoo may be very itchy, but don’t scratch or pick at it! Follow the directions your tattooist gives you or, if necessary, seek medical care.
- Remove the bandage anywhere from an hour to the next morning after getting your tattoo.
- During the healing process, gently wash your tattoo with a mild antibacterial soap. Pat dry – don’t rub. Apply a thin layer of ointment until scabs flake off. Use an ointment like A&D, vitamin E, tea tree or a product recommended by your tattooist. After your tattoo has healed, apply a good quality moisturizing skin lotion to keep it healthy.
- Don’t soak in a tub or go swimming until your tattoo is fully healed.
- Sunlight will damage your tattoo. Apply a sun block (with a high SPF) to your tattoo for the rest of your life.
Piercing Self-care
A piercing can take a few weeks to several months to fully heal, depending on where it is on your body. Follow directions for care from your piercer, or, if necessary, seek medical care.
- Do not touch the piercing. Do not pick at the piercing or jewelry. Your hands carry germs that can cause infection.
- Use a warm sea salt-water soak or a mild liquid antibacterial soap used every day to aid healing and prevent infection.
- Oral piercings need to be cared for differently than other piercings. Use an alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash to cleanse the area in your mouth.
Do not use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on piercings. These products can irritate the healing tissue.
Do not use antibiotic ointments, gels, or creams on piercings. They can attract dirt and prevent oxygen from reaching the area.
These are things you should know before getting a tattoo or piercing. Make sure to contact a professional for guides before proceeding with the session.