Running stomach or diarrhea is a digestive condition resulting in loose and watery stool. This mostly come with great discomfort and sometimes serves as hinderance to daily activities.
It is caused by food contamination, lactose intolerance; inability to fully digest sugar(lactose) present in dairy products, anxiousness, food allergies or even mixing up or eating different types of food within a short period of time.
The removal of watery stool is the body’s way of getting rid of the stuff causing discomfort. Below are the ways you can manage it.
1. Drink Water
Diarrhea makes the body to loose a lot of water, that’s why it’s essential to think more water to rehydrate. This doesn’t only rehydrate you but also helps the body to flush out the waste/poison as well as preventing dizziness that comes with lack of water in the body.
You can also choose to drink Oral Rehydrating Solution (ORS) which is a mixture of salt and sugar in water. Research shows that it helps the intestines to absorb fluids more efficiently. This solution more effectively rehydrates the body after diarrhea than water alone.
To make your ORS, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 6 teaspoons of sugar into 1 liter of water. Stare properly until dissolved then drink.
Read also: what happens to the body after drinking too much water
2. Eat Small
At this time, you should abstain from eating much or eating for a while. This will help the stomach settle. Eating heavy food or eating always tends to over work the digestive system and might worsen the diarrhea.
Adhere to eating little portion of food for the first 24hours of running stomach.
Eating banana, rice, apple sauce, toast is said to be really helpful. This diet includes bland, high-starch, low-fiber foods, which promotes more regular bowel motions. Additionally, it includes beneficial elements including potassium and pectin. Stick to this diet on the first day till you start feeling relieved, this shouldn’t last for more than 2 days.
3. Take Probiotics
Probiotics are foods rich in healthy bacteria that’s helps to maintain a friendly digestive system. This foods include; yoghurt, dark chocolate, Banana, watermelon etc
Read also: shocking health benefits of watermelon
4. Avoid Specific Foods
Avoid meals that can aggravate or put pressure on your digestive system. This includes greasy food, spicy foods, dairy products, foods with artificial sweetener, high-fat foods
5. Take Medications
Take medications if the symptoms persist or worsen with time or visit your doctor for proper check up and medications.