How To Make Your Breasts Bigger Naturally

Breast size have formed one of the top insecurities ladies have, while some are being comfortable with theirs, others are battling with maintaining their self confidence.
Breasts come in different sizes and shape and everyone is uniquely blessed with that diversity. If you feel there’s need for a ‘correctional’ surgery then you can book an appointment with your doctor.
Meanwhile, here are tips on growing your breast naturally
1. Upgrade Your Diet
It’s essential to pay close attention to foods you consume. There are foods containing fats which can help grow the size of your breasts, some contain a certain percentage of Oestrogen which is a female reproductive hormone. Oestrogen helps in the development of the feminine characters from which include breast growth. Examples of such foods include; milk, soybeans, papaya, walnut, cashew nuts, seafoods etc.
2. Exercise
Exercise doesn’t necessarily have any impact on your breast size. Doing the ‘right’ exercise helps the enhance the appearance of the breasts.
There’s pectoral muscles which is located beneath the breast tissues, it is well known that exercise helps grow the muscles. Once you do the right exercise, the pectoral muscles tend to grow bigger which in turn increase the size of your breasts.
Examples of exercises include; push-ups, medicine ball superman, plank reach-under, cobra pose etc.
3. Massage
Massaging is one of the effective ways to grow your breasts, massaging helps to increase blood flow and circulation which makes the hormones present in the blood reach more places in the breasts.
It’s advisable to use oils to avoid stretching of the skin. Example of oils; Almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, clove oil, etc. Asides reducing the tendency of stretching the skin, these oils also have additional benefit of making the skin softer.
Massage around the breasts in a circular motion for 10-15 minutes everyday.
4. Gain More Weight
Weight plays little role in your breast size, it should be known that gaining more weight gives you a plumped look and it makes your breasts appear bigger. Despite weight loss being able to affect the size of your breasts, it doesn’t drastically reduce them.
Read also: how to gain weight effectively